2025 It Feels Like Christmas Live Art Workshop in Orlando
It feels like Christmas has arrived! This all-inclusive vacation is the ultimate Art Journaling the Magic experience. This has been a dream many years in the making. It includes EVERYTHING once you arrive: accommodations, meals and snacks, journaling kits, one one-on-one time with Tangie, live demos, guest teachers, and a plethora of art journal parties. PLUS, an amazing array of house amenities such as: arcade games, heated pool, hot tub, fully covered outdoor spaces, theater room, TONS of seating space to chat or journal, and much more!
We will have structured activities planned throughout the morning and evening, with suggested/light activities in the afternoons. This will allow time from approx. 11 AM to 6:30 PM to optionally visit the Disney parks with fellow students on your own or choose to hang out at the house with us and play. You DO NOT need a Disney park ticket to participate in this retreat.
The party starts at 6 PM on Wednesday, December 3rd, and ends at 9 AM on Sunday, December 7th, so there will be lots of time on those two days to go to the parks if you don’t want to go during the retreat.
We want to be able to provide you with as much time as possible to plan for this amazing adventure. Use the dropdown menu on the [checkout page] to pick the vacation package you'd like to put your non-refundable deposit* on. We'll hold your spot, and you can make payments** or pay in full by August 1st, 2025.
You will also receive a PDF with access to our exclusive retreat communication clubhouse.

Basic vacation overview (these details are subject to change).
Your vacation retreat fee includes the following:
- Wednesday: nighttime celebration and art party. This includes dinner and an epic 4-hour night where we dive right into watercolor, sketching, and more!
- Three days of sketching, live demos, journaling parties, and other activities (Thurs-Sat)
- Room accommodations as chosen by you at registration. You also get access to the resort water park and all house amenities.
- Meals, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages (Please alert us of any medically necessary restrictions due to allergies)
- Printed Lesson materials with examples and brief written instructions of the demo
- A Golden Book Journal of your choice handmade just for you
- Exclusive set of ears designed and made just for this workshop by Tangie
- Gifts from your host/teacher Tangie Baxter
- Exclusive watercolor palette from Lost Girl Watercolor
- Guest teachers
- Access to an online clubhouse with tutorials and "before we go" information, packing lists, and a place to chat with your fellow students
- Free access to my online course "Explorations in Watercolor"
- Bonuses! We like to spoil you; there will be other gifts and prizes as well
- Plus! This is the vacation that never ends; when you get home from the retreat, you will be granted access to The Artist’s Hideaway, a "members only" clubhouse where you will always have access to some of the content/lessons from previous retreats! Plus! We can't tell you how many "life-long" and literally "life-changing" friendships have been made at these retreats, and we want to provide a way for you all to stay connected.
*Your deposit is non-refundable as we are holding a spot for you, and there is a significant amount of admin time that goes in behind the scenes. If, for any reason, you can't attend the vacation retreat, fees are non-refundable unless another student (not currently registered) is found to take your spot. If a replacement is found, you will be refunded whatever you have paid minus the $400 non-refundable deposit (per person).
**You can pay in full by August 1st, 2025 with no additional fee. There is an additional $50 fee to make as many payments as you wish until August 15th, 2025.
If you wish to attend the parks, tickets, and meals consumed outside the vacation home are your individual responsibility and aren't included.
More FAQ [here].
Carefully read the terms and conditions. Review the accommodations list and floor plan [here], chat with your friends, and decide which room you want. One person will be responsible for the room and registration of occupants. (This does not include bunk rooms which are registered individually.)
From the drop-down menu, select the room you chose. You will need to pay the required down payment shown ($400 per room occupant).
At checkout, you will also receive a PDF with access to our exclusive retreat communication clubhouse. This will include a copy of our terms and conditions. If you register, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Toss the confetti! You're coming to the Art Journaling the Magic Vacation Retreat! It feels like Christmas already!